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in bristol
Camellia Tea Oil | pure carrier oil
Camellia Tea Oil | pure carrier oil
Camellia tea oil hair benefits: Lightweight, great for fine hair. Adds strength and shine. High antioxidants and fatty acids.
Camellia tea oil is a pure carrier oil that is very light and very easily absorbed. High in antioxidants, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, it is nourishing and protecting for all hair and skin types. It's especially good for finer hair and for adding shine, and is great for moisturising dry skin.
Pressed from seeds, camellia oil has little-to-no scent. A completely natural carrier oil for diluting essential oils and making DIY beauty products.
Camellia tea oil is part of our Home Brew range of 100% pure ingredients in zero waste packaging. It is an ingredient used in our Make your own bespoke hair oils workshops and Make your own bespoke hair oils downloadable DIY recipe.
Botanical name: Camellia Oleifera
100ml in amber glass bottle with aluminium lid
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